Star Trek Dog Names

Star Trek Dog Names

"The Next Generation in Names."

Boldly go where no dog-owner has gone before and beam up one of our Star Trek names.

Featuring some of the most memorable characters from the original series and subsequent TV and movie episodes. How about:

BRAXTON: Pilot of Federation timeship Aeon and captain of timeship USS Relativity

HAWK: Leiutenant Hawk, Helmsman on the USS Enterprise-E

MCDUFF: Kieran McDuff, Satarran operative who infiltrated the Enterprise-D

RILEY: Kevin Riley, navigator of the Starship Enterprise

Continue with the list below and turn your dog into an instant Trekkie.

ANYA Shapeshifting allasomorph from the third moon of Daled IV
ANASTASIA Anastasia Komonov, Russian spy in Bashir's secret agent program
ANNIKA Annika Hansen, daughter of Magnus and Erin Hansen
ATOZ Librarian and keeper of the Atavachron time-portal device
BARCLAY Reginald Barclay, talented Starfleet systems diagnostic engineer.
BASHIR Julian Bashir, Chief Medical Officer of Deep Space Nine
BELLE The Doctor's daughter in his holographic family program.
BENJAMIN Benjamin Sisko, Station commander of DS9 and Emissary to the Prophets
BENNY Benny Russell, African-American science-fiction writer in the 1950s
BORG Race of cybernetic organisms
BRAXTON Pilot of Federation timeship Aeon and captain of timeship USS Relativity
CARMEN Carmen Davila, senior member of the Malona IV project
CLARK Clark Terrell, Captain of the starship Reliant
COLT J.M. Colt, yeoman in the original Star Trek pilot
CRUSHER Deceased Starfleet officer, husband of Beverly Crusher
CYRUS Cyrus Redblock, fictional 1940s crime boss, from Picard's holodeck adventures
DATA Android third officer of the Enterprise D
DAX 300 year old Trill symbiont
DEXTER Dexter Remmick, infested by alien parasite
ELISE Elise Picard, Jean-Luc Picard's wife

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ENDAR Talarian captain whose son was killed by humans
ERIN Erin Hansen, wife of Magnus Hansen, mother of Annika Hansen
EZRI Ezri Dax, Trill Starfleet officer
FALCON Holographic assassin in Julian Bashir's secret agent holo-program.
FARRIS Karen Farris, Red Squad cadet appointed First Officer of the USS Valiant
FLINT Mr. Flint, a 6000 year-old immortal human
GARTH Garth of Izar, role model for Captain James T. Kirk
HADLEY Starship officer in the original series
HAROLD Leiutenant Harold, Starfleet officer
HAWK Leiutenant Hawk, Helmsman on the USS Enterprise-E
HONEY Professor Honey Bare, holographic character in Julian Bashir's secret agent holosuite program
ILIA Joined Willard Decker to merge with Voyager
ISHKA Mother of Quark and Rom
JACKSON Jackson, Roykirk, engineer who built the space probe known as Nomad
JAKE Jake Sisko, son of Benjamin and Jennifer Sisko
JAL Jal Culluh, first leader of the Kazon-Nistrim
JANNAR Arboreal scientist and representative on the Xindi Council
JAXA Jaxa Sito, Bajoran junior officer aboard the Enterprise-D
JENNA Jenna D'Sora, Starfleet leiutenant who fell in love with Data
JEYAL Tavnian, briefly Lwaxana Troi's husband

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JONO Human adopted by Talarian Captain Endar
JORAN Joran Dax, Trill male; sixth host of Dax symbiont
JULIANA Juliana Tanner, widow of Noonien Soong
KAI Kai Opaka, spiritual leader of the Bajorans
KANG Legendary Klingon commander
KASIDY Kasidy Yates, Freighter captain sent to prison for smuggling
KATIE Katie O'Claire, alias used by Kathryn Janeway while in Fair Haven
KEEL Walker Keel, Starfleet Commander who warned Picard about alien invasion
KEEVAN Vorta field commander who sacrificed his troops to save his own life
KEIKO Keiko O' Brien, wife of Miles O'Brien
KES Ocampa female from the Delta Quadrant
KESTRA Kestra Troi, daughter of Lwaxana Troi
KHAN Khan Noonien Singh, genetically enhanced superman from the late 1990s
KIM Harry Kim, operations officer aboard the USS Voyager
KIRA Kira Nerys, Benjamin Sisko's second in command on Deep Space Nine
KIRAYOSHI Son of Miles and Keiko O'Brien
KIRK Captain James T. Kirk, captain of the USS Enterprise
KOL Ferengi stranded in the Delta Quadrant
KOZAK Klingon who accidentally died at Quark's bar.
KYLE Kyle Riker, civilian strategist, father of William Riker

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Dog Names

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LAL Daughter of Data
LEETA Bajoran woman employed as a Dabo girl in Quark's bar
LELA Lela Dax, Trill female; first host of Dax symbiont
LILY Lily Sloane, treated for radiation poisoning on the Enterprise
LINNIS Daughter of Tom Paris and Kes
LORI Lori Ciana, flag officer in Starfleet
LUTHER Luther Sloan, Section 31 operative
MACDUFF Kieran McDuff, Satarran operative who infiltrated the Enterprise-D
MAGNUS Magnus Hansen, husband of Erin Hansen, father of Annika Hansen
MARCUS David Marcus, son of James T. Kirk and Carol Marcus
MARLA Marla E. Finn, Starfleet ensign assigned to Utopia Planetia shipyards
MARTA Marta Batanides Jean-Luc Picard's Academy classmate
MARTOK Klingon general
MCCOY Leonard McCoy, Chief Medical Officer of the Enterprise
MILES Miles O'Brien, transporter chief on the Enterprise-D
MOLLY Daughter of Miles and Keiko O'Brien
MOOGIE Quark and Rom's name for their mother, Ishka
MORGAN Morgan Bateson, Commanding officer of Federation starship USS Bozeman
MOT Talkative Bolian, barber on the USS Enterprise-D.
NANO Communications officer on the Enterprise

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NAOMI Naomi Wildman, half-Ktarian, half-Human female; daughter of Samantha Wildman
NEELIX Talaxian who joined the crew of the USS Voyager
NERO Romulan captain of the mining vessel Narada
NIKOLAI Nicolai Rozhenko, Worf's brother by his adoptive parents
NOAH Dr. Noah, mad scientist in Bashir's secret agent program
NOG Son of Rom, nephew of Quark
NORAH Norah Satie, legendary Starfleet admiral
ODO Deep Space Nine's Changeling Security Officer
ORION Green-skinned, humanoid alien species
OWEN Owen Paris, Captain of the USS Al-Batani, promoted to Starfleet Vice Admiral
PARIS Tom Paris, helmsman of USS Voyager
PICARD Captain of the USS Enterprise-D
PORTHOS Captain Archer's dog
QUARK Ferengi bar-owner in Deep Space Nine
QUINN Gregory Quinn, infested by alien parasite
RAKAL Romulan Tal Shiar officer
RAMIREZ Security officer from Defiant
RIKER William Riker, first officer on USS Enterprise-E
RILEY Kevin Riley, navigator of the Starship Enterprise
RIVA Federation negotiator who communicates telepathically

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RIXX Captain of USS Thomas Paine
ROM Ferengi, brother of Quark
RONIN Aniphasic alien, killed by Doctor Crusher
ROSSA Jeremiah Rossa, human name of Jono
ROSTOV Michael Rostov, engineering crewman on the Enterprise
SAM Sam Lavelle, junior officer aboard the Enterprise-D
SARINA Sarina Douglas, human female whose genetic engineering went wrong
SCOTTY Montgomery Scott, Chief engineer of the Enterprise
SELA Daughter of Tasha Yar in an alternate timeline
SERGEY Sergey Rozhenko, Worf's adoptive father
SHELBY Elizabeth Shelby, Starfleet commander assigned to the Enterprise
SILVA Silva La Forge, mother of Geordi La Forge
SISKO Jennifer Sisko, wife of Benjamin Sisko
SONYA Sonya Gomez, Starfleet ensign serving on the Enterprise-D
SPOCK Mr. Spock, Science officer and second-in-command of the Enterprise
SULU Leiutenant Hikaru Sulu, helmsman on the Enterprise
TAL Tal Celes, Bajoran sensor analyst on Voyager
TOBIN Tobin Dax, Trill male; second host of Dax symbiont
TORA Tora Ziyal, half Cardassian/half Bajoran daughter of Gul Dukat
TORRES B'Elanna Torres, Klingon-Human Chief Engineer on the USS Voyager

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TOYA Toya Veer, assistant to Professor Gegen
T'PAU Vulcan who led the Syrranite rebellion
TROI Ian Andrew Troi, husband of Lwaxana Troi
TYLER Jose Tyler, navigator of the Enterprise in the original pilot
VIGO Miranda Vigo, mother of Jason Vigo
VULCAN Humanoid species who live by reason and logic with no interference from emotion
WILLARD Willard Decker, captain of the USS Enterprise
WINONA Winona Kirk, Captain Kirk's mother
WORF Lt Commander Worf, Klingon tactical officer on Enterprise
XINDI Five separate species from the planet Xindus
ZEFRAM Zefram Cochrane, inventor of the Warp Drive
ZEK Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance

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