Mythological Puppy Names

Mythological Puppy Names

Our collection features names from the myths and legends of many different of nations and cultures.

Here are some names to get you started:

ALVIS: A dwarf of Norse legend

CONGO: Spirit from Haitian voodoo

HERO: Priestess of Aphrodite

Or how about?:

LETO: Greek Titaness & mother of Apollo

The perfect place to find a legendary name, or a name with a little bit of magic, mystique and mystery. Enjoy!

ABRAXIS An Angel in medieval Jewish angelologies
ACHILLES Greek hero of the Trojan War
ADONIS Hero of Greek mythology
AJAX Greek hero of the Trojan War
ALVIS A dwarf of Norse legend
AMAZON Mythical race of warrior women
ANANSI Caribbean trickster god
APOLLO Roman god of music and poetry
ARGUS Son of Zeus and King of Argos
ARTEMIS Twin sister of Apollo
ARTHUR Mythical medieval King of England
ASIA A Greek sea-nymph
ATHENA Greek goddess of wisdom
ATLAS Titan who held up the world on his shoulders
AURORA Roman goddess of the dawn
AVALON Enchanted isle where King Arthur's sword was forged
BACCHUS Roman god of wine
BANSHEE Wailing woman of Scottish legend
BOGEYMAN Malevolent creature from folklore
BOGGART Household spirits in folklore of Northern England

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BOGIE Mischievous, but harmless spirits
BOOYAN Magical island in Russian folklore
BRIGIT Celtic god of fire, healing and fertility
BROWNIE Good-natured elves who inhabit farmhouses
CALYPSO A nymph, daughter of Atlas
CAMELOT Mythical home of King Arthur
CAPA Beaver spirit of the Lakota
CASSANDRA Princess of Troy
CLOOTIE Scottish name for the devil
CONGO Spirit from Haitian voodoo
CRONUS Youngest of the twelve Titans
CUPID Roman god of love and beauty
CYCLOPS One eyed man-eating giant
DENA A Persian goddess
DEWI Welsh god represented by a red serpent
DHARMA Hindu god who personifies divine inner law
DIANA Roman goddess of love
DRAGON Fire-breathing mythical creature
ELECTRA Daughter of Agamemmnon
EVAN Etruscan goddess of immortality

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EXCALIBUR Magical sword of King Arthur
FERGUS Mythical Irish hero and king
GAIA Greek goddess of the earth
GALAHAD Knight of King Arthur's Court
GAMA Japanese god of longevity
GANGA Hindu god of the river Ganges
GENIE Supernatural being able to bestow magical powers
GOBLIN Small mischievous dwarf-like creatures
GOLEM In Jewish legend, a form given life through magic
GREMLIN Little mischievous spirits of tools and machinery
GRIFFIN Legendary creature with features of a lion and eagle
HAN Chinese river god
HECTOR Prince and warrior of Troy
HERCULES Greatest hero of Greek myths
HERO Priestess of Aphrodite
HORUS Egyptian sky god
ICARUS Son of Daedalus who flew using feathers and wax
IO Supreme god of the Maori
IRA Polynesian sky goddess
IRIS Greek goddess of the rainbow

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ISHA Hindu protector of the north eastern hemisphere
ISIS Greek goddess of nature and magic
JANUS Roman god of gates and doors
JASON Greek hero, leader of the Argonauts
JINN Evil spirit in Arabian folklore
JOVE An alternate name for Jupiter
JUNO Roman goddess of flowers
JUPITER King of the Roman gods
KALI Hindu mother goddess
KANE Hawaiian god of procreation and the sea
KAPO Hawaiian goddess of fertility
KELPIE Scottish water devil
KERWAN Hopi spirit "of the sprouting maize"
KRAKEN Giant sea-monster in Norwegian folklore
KRISHNA Hindu god, the incarnation of Vishnu
KULLA Babylonian god who restores temples
LANCELOT Knight of King Arthur's Court
LETO Greek Titaness & mother of Apollo
LIZA West African sun god
LUNA Roman moon goddess

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MAIA Mountain nymph, daughter of Atlas
MAMBO A priestess in Haitian voodoo
MANDRAKE Plant with magical powers
MANI Norse god of the moon
MARS Roman god of war
MAUI Powerful god in many Polynesian cultures
MEDUSA Turned all who saw her to stone
MENDES Egyptian god of nature
MERCURY Messenger of the gods
MERLIN Magician at King Arthur's Court
MIDAS King who received the golden touch from Dionysus
MORDRED Leader of the rebellion against King Arthur
MORPHEUS Greek god of dreams
MUSE Goddesses of science, arts and inspiration
NANOOK The Inuit god of bears
NEMESIS Goddess of divine retribution
NEPTUNE Roman god of the sea
NESSIE Legendary monster that inhabits Loch Ness
NIKE Greek goddess of victory
NIXI Roman divinities who assisted with child birth

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OBERON King of the Elves
ODIN Norse chief god
OLWEN Daughter of Ysbaddaden in Celtic folklore
ORION A giant who was a skilled hunter
ORKO Basque god of thunder
ORPHEUS Greatest musician and poet of Greek myth
OSIRIS Egyptian god of the underworld
OTUS Greek giant
PALLAS One of the Titans
PAN Greek god of shepherds and flocks
PANDORA In Greek mythology, the first woman on earth
PAX Roman goddess of peace
PEGASUS Winged horse of Greek mythology
PELE Hawaiian goddess of fire
PERSEUS Son of Zues and slayer of Medusa
PHOEBE Greek goddess of the moon
PHOENIX Mythical bird of Greek mythology
PIXIE Little people who inhabit the Cornwall downs
PLUTO Roman god of the underworld
RA Egyptian sun god

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RAM Generalized Hindu term for a god
RAVI Hindu guardians of the months
REMUS Twin of Romulus, founder of Rome
RHEA Greek titaness & mother of Zeus
ROMULUS Twim of Remus, founder of Rome
SABRINA Celtic river god
SAGA Norse goddess of poetry and history
SASQUATCH North American version of the Abominable Snowman
SELENE Greek goddess of the moon
SETH Egyptian god of chaos
SHAKA Japanese embodiment of perfect virtue
SHIVA Hindu destroyer god
SINBAD Greek hero, Sinbad the sailor
SIREN Creatures with the head of a woman and body of a bird
SIRONA Gaulish goddess of astronomy
SOL Norse goddess of the sun
STYX Greek river god
TANDO Ashanti river god
TATE Lakota father of the four winds
THOR Norse god of thunder

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TIA Death god of the Haida
TITAN A race of god-like giants
TRISTAN A hero of Arthurian legend
TROY Legendary city at the center of the Trojan War
ULYSSES Greek leader of the Trojan war
VALKYRIE Norse "choosers of the slain"
VENUS Roman goddess of love
VESTA Greek goddess of the hearth and home
VISHNU Supreme Hindu god
VOLTAN Mayan god of the earth
VOODOO West Indian superstitious beliefs
VULCAN Roman god of volcanoes
ZAQAR Sumerian god of dreams
ZEUS Ruler of the Greek gods

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